Indonesia Mall Serbu Qoo10 Singapore
Indonesia Mall telah memasuki babak baru dalam perjalanannya membawa UKM (Usaha Kecil dan Menengah) go-online. Produk-produk UKM yang selama ini hanya ada di marketplace lokal, kini bisa ditemukan di situs marketplace global asal Singapura, Qoo10. Ketika mendengar namanya mungkin masih terdengar cukup asing bagi masyarakat Indonesia, tapi ternyata Qoo10 merupakan salah satu penguasa marketplace di negeri Singa.
Dikutip dari, Qoo10 merupakan marketplace dengan monthly active user (MAU) kedua tertinggi di Singapura. Marketplace asli Singapura ini dikunjungi sekitar 7,8 juta pengguna setiap bulannya. Melalui kerjasama yang dijalin dengan Qoo10 ini, Indonesia Mall ternyata telah melampaui misinya untuk membawa UKM go-online dan kini telah melangkah menuju go-global.
Tak hanya terbatas untuk pasar Singapura saja, Qoo10 melayani pengiriman ke negara-negara lain, seperti Thailand, Jepang, Rusia, hingga Amerika Serikat. Tarif yang ditawarkan oleh Qprime Shipping, layanan ekspedisi milik Qoo10, juga cukup bersahabat sehingga tidak memberatkan konsumen luar negeri ketika ingin berbelanja di Indonesia Mall.
Saat ini, PowerPeople sudah bisa menemukan berbagai macam produk terbaik dari UKM Indonesia Mall, mulai dari produk makanan, pakaian, kerajinan tangan, hingga kosmetik di Qoo10 Official Store Indonesia Mall. Selama masa soft opening, Indonesia Mall menawarkan berbagai macam promo menarik untuk pelanggan Qoo10. PowerPeople bisa menikmati kupon diskon sebesar 30%, diskon produk kosmetik, hingga promo snack seharga 1 dolar Singapura.Selama periode soft opening di bulan September ini, Bianana Banana Chips, Lily Crispy Mushroom, dan Daileyfood Chocolate Temon menjadi produk yang paling banyak dibeli oleh konsumen Singapura.
Berawal dari sebuah usaha konvensional, kini dengan memanfaatkan perkembangan teknologi berbasis digital produk-produk para UKM ternyata bisa menembus pasar global. PowerPeople jangan pernah takut untuk bermimpi ya. Jangan lupa untuk dukung terus produk-produk karya anak bangsa agar bisa terus bersaing di pasar global!
Indonesia Mall Goes To China
Kiprah Indonesia Mall untuk memberdayakan Usaha Kecil dan Menengah (UKM) terus berlanjut. Bahkan, dua produk dari Indonesia Mall baru saja terbang ke Cina Iho PowerPeople. Dua UKM yang mendapat kesempatan untuk terbang ke Cina, yakni The KiliSuci dan Uniadek Mereka akan mengikuti China-ASEAN Expo (CAEXPO) di Nanning International Convention and Exhibition Centre, Cina pada 21 hingga 24 September 2019. "Sayap-sayap Indonesia Mall telah mengepak dan mulai dikenali setidaknya di 10 negara Asia. Sebentuk strategi yang patut diacungi jempol," ucap ibu Inin, pemilik brand The KiliSuci. Beliau menilai Indonesia Mall menunjukkan progress yang sangat baik hingga akhirnya bisa membawa UKM ke CAEXPO di Cina. Bagi PowerPeople yang belum tahu, CAEXPO merupakan pameran yang diselenggarakan untuk memperingati hubungan persahabatan antara Cina dan ASEAN. Di CAEXPO nanti, produk dari Indonesia Mall ini akan bersanding dengan produk dari Cina dan negara ASEAN lain. Penasaran sama The Kilisuci dan Uniadek? Yuk kita kenali mereka lebih dekat!
The KiliSuci
The KiliSuci merupakan UKM yang berasal dari Yogyakarta dan menawarkan berbagai macam produk batik. lbu Inin, pendiri The KiliSuci, mendirikan The KiliSuci pada hari Senin Kliwon, tanggal 1 Februari 2010. Penamaan KiliSuci diharapkan bisa menjadi cerminan kesempurnaan, kecerdasan, kecantikan, dan kebijaksanaan yang dimiliki Dewi Kilisuci.putri mahkota kerajaan Kahuripan Kediri Apa sih yang jadi kelebihan The KiliSuci? Ternyata The KiliSuci menggunakan kain tenun yang sebagian besar bahannya diproses menggunakan alat tenun bukan mesin dan mengunakan pewarna alami yang ramah lingkungan. Desain yang ditawarkan oleh The KiliSuci sangat berkarakter namun tetap simple. Tak heran, ibu Inin berhasil menjalin kerjasama dengan sebuah butik di Darwin. Australia dan sekarang berkesempatan untuk terbang ke Cina. Kalau bicara soal kualitas, ternyata produk-produk Indonesia nggak kalah kok sama produk dari luar negeri.
Siapa sih yang nggak suka masakan padang? Siapa yang nggak suka sama rendang? Salah satu dari lima hidangan nasional Indonesia ini menjadi produk unggulan dari Uniadek. Berdiri sejak 1 Agustus 2017, Uniadek didirikan atas dasar kecintaan Sri Engla Deswita terhadap masakan minang. Ibu Sri berhasil mengemas rendang dalam packaging yang simple dan menarik, sehingga menjadikan makanan ini mudah untuk dibawa dan dikirim ke mana saja. Selain packaging simple dan menarik yang membuat rendang Uniadek bisa bertahan hingga 1,5 bulan, produk Uniadek dibuat dengan bumbu-bumbu alami berkualitas tinggi yang tumbuh di Sumatera Barat. Produk Uniadek juga dibuat tanpa MSG dan bahan pengawet. Selain rendang, Uniadek juga menyediakan kuliner khas Minang lainnya, seperti rinuak crispy, itiak lado hijau, dan ikan teri. Selain ingin memperkenalkan rendang yang praktis, ibu Sri juga membangun Uniadek dengan tujuan memberi lapangan pekerjaan bagi para perempuan yang tinggal di sekitarnya. Saat ini telah ada empat ibu-ibu yang bèrgabung dan membantu mengolah masakan di dapur, juga satu gadis remaja yang membantu bekerja di toko. Ungkapan "Sebuah usaha memang tak akan pernah mengkhianati hasil ternyata memang benar adanya. Kini Ibu Sri bersama Uniadek telah berada di Cina untuk CAEXPO. Sungguh hal yang luar biasa karena bisa berangkat ke Cina untuk mempromosikan aneka rendang disini, insyaAllah uni yakin aneka produk rendang dari Uniadek akan lebih banyak dikenal oleh masyarakat yang ada, dalam maupun luar negri," jelas ibu Sri, pemilik brand Uniadek Gimana PowerPeople?
The Kilisuci dan Uniadek ternyata nggak kalah kan sama produk dari luar negeri? Semoga nantinya tidak hanya kedua UKM ini saja yang mendapat kesempatan untuk mengharumkan nama bangsa di kancah Internasional. Jangan lupa untuk terus dukung produk anak bangsa dengan berbelanja di Indonesia Mall Official Store yang ada di marketplace favorit kalian dan untuk para UKM yuk gabung bersama Indonesia Mall, supaya produkmu bisa go internasional!
Tips for Starting Your Own Online Business
Modern society’s transition to connected living has created opportunities on an unheard-of scale, such as an online business. The average person is perfectly poised to take advantage of all that the digital world offers.
Here are some tips for starting your own online business
Make the Obvious Choice
People generally associate business with the physical; like convenient corner stores, trendy inner-city cafes, the skyscrapers of Wall Street. Starting a brick-and-mortar business requires a lot of capital. You have to lease a storefront in an ideal location, design the interior, maintain the property, establish an inventory, hire employees, and hope the store gets enough foot traffic to keep you in business. For the individual, traditional business is often a huge risk. Try to go digital. Many faces of online business contrast with traditional business.
You can start your own online business without a dollar to your name, create website easily and for free, and an infinite number of services offer access to website builders, simple e-commerce, and more. You can interact with a global audience at the click of a button. Profit margins are high, and you don’t need to keep an inventory of products to sell.Starting your own online business is not only viable, it’s life-changing. As long as you’re knowledgeable about a topic, have a skill, or are willing to learn, you can realistically start your own business by choosing digital over traditional.
Know Your Niche
Entrepreneurs have been doing business online for decades so you can expect to find plenty of competition in the digital world today. If you want to stand out from the ever-growing crowd, you need to find a new undeserved niche market and make it the center of your online business. You’ll find it so much easier to get your business off the ground if you have a niche to thrive in.
Finding a good niche is not as hard at it might seem. Sit down with a pen and paper and sketch the links between your passions and new trends, technologies, and products. Conduct research and determine which topic is the most interesting and the most undeserved. Optimally, you want to be able to create more than just an information resource based around your niche, but even that is enough to get started. If you can’t find a niche that matches your interests or skill set, aim to give an existing niche a new spin. Don’t start online business based on just anything. You need to do your research and combine your passion with a niche that allows you to stand out. Then you need to own it.
Networking is King
The reality is that content only get you so far and oftentimes will not be the biggest factor of success online. Since the global proliferation of social media, the human element has become the most important one in the digital world. Social media unparalleled networking opportunities for business owners. Social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter enable you to reach new readers, clients, and customers from around the world. By proactively adopting social media you can build and audience to engage with repeatedly, instantly, and freely.
Instead of dismissing social media as a short-lived fad, make it a central part of your business. The size of your platform will generally correlate with your ability to generate an income online. To grow your social platforms, you need to find people who share your interests, then interact with them and provide value of some kind. Take a genuine interest in your followers and the will do the same with you.
Marketing is a Mindset
There’s no point building a platform if you’re not willing to use it. You can’t be timid when it comes to marketing and self-promotion. Do everything you can to get your content and products in front of as many eyes as possible!Naturally, promoting yourself online requires some finesse. It’s very easy to hit the wrong note or appear arrogant if all you’re talking about is yourself. So be sure to involve others in the conversation.
Diversity Aggressively
Once you’ve established your first significant income stream, stop and think about how you can expand upon it. Relying on a single source of income for an extended period of tome can be very dangerous. If that income stream suddenly dries up, you’ve effectively “lost your job” and have start over again. Diversification is critical to long-term survival of your online business. Let’s say you’ve built a useful information website that generates revenue from advertising banners. You could diversity by adding tutorials, converting the tutorials into videos, then starting a premium support forum to convert readers and viewers into paying customers.
You could offer a personalized consulting service, publish an e-book, or become an affiliate by promoting other people’s products for a share of the profits.
Often, pursuing new sources of revenue will require you to turn our attention away from an established income stream; diversification comes at the expense of guaranteed income. Despite this, you absolutely have to spend time building more revenues streams. When you have an established platform and audience, diversifying is as easy as taking action.
The same can be said for starting your own online business: take action.
How to Become a Reliable Seller
Everyone is a seller. But, not all of them are a reliable seller. The seller is reliable if they have the ability to influence and ensure buyers’ prospective to interest and want to buy the products, services, even yourself.
According to Jean Beltrand, the definition of selling is the ability to express your beliefs, goods, or proposals to one or many people so as to create a desire for privilege, opportunity, ownership, or interest. Whereas according to Napoleon Hill, selling is the art of instilling a motive in the minds of others that will trigger beneficial actions.
But, how to become a reliable seller? In the “Selling You”, by Napoleon Hill, explained, a salesperson had to develop the quality of themselves to a reliable seller.
The quality of their self that must be developed as a reliable seller are:
Confidence and Courage
Firstly, in the competitive time, every salesperson must have an absolute confidence. Having a good self-confidence, usually courage will followed. Self-confidence is one of the evaluations of buyers prospective to sellers. How can a salesperson convince a potential buyer if he/she looks unconvincing?
There is no salesperson who has never experienced of rejection from a potential buyer. In fact, the word “no” from potential buyer can become a challenge and encouragement to stat sales seriously.
When facing objection situations from a potential buyers, salesperson can anticipate it by imagining to put themselves in the position of buyers. So, they can understand their needs and their goals.
Have Good Product Insights
A salesperson must master the knowledge of product that they’re sold. Especially the advantages from the products and the service what they sold.
Believing the Good and the Services
The seller must be sure of the goods and services sold before convincing potential buyers. If the seller is not sure of the products and services sold, the thought will appear to be seen in the salesperson. So that there is uncertainty in the minds of potential buyers.
The Value and Accuracy of the Product Offered to Potential Buyers
A reliable seller will never try to offer a Jaguar to someone who is supposed to buy a Ford. Salesperson must be honest in explaining the value of products that they offered in accordance with reality. Transactions that harm the buyer are transactions that are more detrimental to the seller, because they will lose the trust of the buyer.
Qualify Potential Buyers
Reliable seller must be able to qualify potential buyers. They must have the ability to know the financial potential of the buyer, the need of the buyers for the products offered, and the motives of potential buyers. Trying to sell without qualifying potential buyers is a mistake that is the cause of “failure to sell.”
Good Personality
Most of life insurance buyers don’t know the contents of their policies and they don’t seem to care. They finally want to buy the insurance policy, one of the factors is the great personality of the insurance salesperson. Good personality elements are calm, good sense of humor, not selfish, enthusiasm, non-verbal language that fits the situation and conditions make a good seller.
Tips & Tricks for Online Shopping Safely
The development of internet technology in Indonesia raises a lot of e-Commerce shopping sites. They all built an online shopping site that sell various kinds of goods and services like a mall. The convenience of e-Commerce, makes consumers want to buy more.
Consumers are increasingly encourage to shop because the online shopping sites are intensively offering promotions to them. With low prices, cashback, even free shipping promos. Shopping on e-commerce sites is part of a new lifestyle. This trend expected to continue for years.
So, for the convenience of your shopping at online shopping sites, we provide you some tips and tricks:
Research the online shopping sites
You should do these tips if you shop like online clothing on websites that you rarely use. Check the seller’s phone number and contact them. If not convincing, visit the Google and enter the name of the website. Don’t forget to look for reviews from consumers who have shopped there. If there are many consumers complain about the site’s services, you should just leave the website. Find another shopping site that have positive appreciations, and avoid shopping sites that only get one star or get complaints and disappointments from consumers on their social media accounts and on the site.
See the online shopping site policy for your personal data
Check their policies. Don’t let there’s a point that the manager of the website may provide consumer personal data to other parties. Also, don’t forget to read the items refund policy. Because the items purchased can’t be seen physically, there must be guarantee if the items you receive are found to be defective. Make sure you can return the defective item and of course the seller replaced it with new items or your money will be returned. Please, also check who pays the return of the goods.
Check the package by reading the product description carefully
The third safe tip is to check the package of goods and read the product’s descriptions carefully. Beware of branded items that are sold at very large discounts. It could be a fake item, or the seller just wants to get your money.
Don’t be easily tempted by cheap items
Don’t rush to fall in love with the seller’s offer of their products at cheap prices that come from e-mail, especially asking for your ID and password without permission from the e-mail owner. That’s usually the work of spammers. But, be careful, spammers can also seduce you.they will sent e-mails that seemed to come from the well company. Preferably, visit the official online shopping site of the company and immediately shop from the site. Do not enter the site via e-mail or pop-up window.
Look for signs that the website is safe
The sign is usually in the form of a padlock in the browser status bar. Before entering your personal information, check the security sign on the site. When you’re asked to enter registration information for a credit card number, see the website address. The website address should change from ‘http’ to ‘https’. This means that the payment information protected.
Secure your PC or Gadgets
Minimum, your PC or gadgets must have an anti-virus software. Even better if you install anti spyware and a firewall on your PC or gadgets. Remember, the security software must be updated regularly. So, the PC or gadgets protected from the latest threats. Well, just set the update process automatically.
Consider the Payment Method
Payments are usually made by credit card, via ATM, or through modern retail outlets. With a credit card, you have strong evidence that you have made a transaction if the item not delivered or not according to order. But, due the many thefts of credit card numbers, payments usually using platforms, such as PayPal, Send Transfer, or Cash on Delivery (COD) may be considered.
Check the Total Price
Product’s price, package costs, plus shipping costs, hopefully there is a discount. Compare the total price of a website with another website.
Save Proof of Transaction
Including product descriptions and prices, digital receipts, as well as copies of e-mails sent between you and the seller.
Turn off the PC after transaction
If the PC continue switched on, there could be a burglar who has planted malware and taken control of the PC and made transactions using your ID or credit card. You should turn off the PC after you transact.
So, that’s how some ways to safely shop on online shopping sites that you can apply. Maybe you’re wondering what’s the correlation between tips and tricks with PowerCommerce. Well, PowerCommerce help the company that want to sell their product online. We give them best solution, but also give you, as consumers good services. We also give you sale from sites, and delivered the products in good condition to you. Also, your data will always secure.
Don’t forget to buy items from our clients. You will happy, our clients happy, and we’re also happy to give you best services.
Logistic Challenge in South East Asia Cross Border E-Commerce
Wednesday, 7th November 2018, Mr. Hadi Kuncoro our CEO of Power Group attended a workshop on “Improving ASEAN Logistic Services to Facilitate Cross-Border E-Commerce.” He attended as a Moderator on Session II with the topic about “Logistic Challenges in South East Asia Cross Border E-Commerce.”
The speakers on Session II are Mr. Vernon Martin the RBDD of (Asia) Asia Aramex, Mr. Gilarsi Wahyu S. the CEO of PT POS Indonesia, and Mr. Syed Ali Madihid the CEO of Janio.

ASEAN have to face some challenges in advancing and transforming the digital economy. Among ASEAN’s member nations, there is a gap in terms of infrastructure development. Especially Philippines and Indonesia are faces big logistic challenges in terms of e-commerce. It given logistic challenges, ASEAN now examining how it can work across ASEAN member to create new frameworks that would benefit all business in member countries.
Bank Rakyat Indonesia is the largest small and medium business bank in Indonesia. Bank BRI has a commitment to support the progress of the digital economic sector through Indonesia Mall program.
Indonesia Mall is a form of cooperation from Bank BRI with e-commerce to encourage SMEC assisted Bank BRI to go-online. Where the program is entrusted by Bank BRI to one of the enablers of ecommerce in Indonesia namely PowerCommerce of The Power Group. In Indonesia Mall, variety products from the SMEC can be directly accessed at e-commerce partners. Furthermore it can help the small medium enterprises to increase the range of product sales.
In Indonesia Mall, small medium enterprises will be empowered and given facilities to sell their product online. Start from onboarding process, operational process, until logistic process. Along with the increasing business of the SMEC, Bank BRI can manage the potential distribution of credit in SME sector.
BRI's Indonesia Mall has been collaborating with 5 biggest e-commerce in Indonesia, such as Tokopedia, Bukalapak, Blibli, Blanja dan Shopee.
Digital Retail Transformation
On Wednesday, 7th of August 2018. Mr. Hadi Kuncoro, our Power Group CEO give a talk in front of more than 300 management & partners from Lion & Wings Group for eastern Indonesia area. The Topic of the Seminar is The Future of wholesale and retailers in the Digital Retail Transformation and Technological Era.
Retail Management as we know today will change drastically with the presence of e-commerce and other types of digital technologies.
Hadi's Experience
Hadi presents some of the case studies from his experience in building and execute digital retail transformation for many clients. Also, including some of the big corporation in Indonesia. Some of the strategy that he proposed in the seminar including:
1. Business Model Transformation
2. Redefine Brand Strategy
3. Reorganize Organisation structure & New org Culture development
4. Re-Map the supply chain model
5. Re-engineering Financial strategy
6. Integrating technology system and Big Data
There’s a lot of companies in Indonesia still consider that digital retail transformation as only selling online in e-commerce. Meanwhile, in reality, digital retail transformation involves change management for the whole company. Digital retail transformation is the integration of digital technology into all areas of a business. In addition, fundamentally changing how you operate and deliver value to customers. It's also a cultural change that requires organizations to continually challenge the status quo, experiment, and get comfortable with failure.
One of the most important thing that we need to consider is Digital Business is Big Data Business. Do you know the value of your customers? Sales and marketing data - information that you may already hold - can tell you a lot about your customers? Big data provides valuable analytics. But, the information must be curated and organized in order to give you the right insights. It’s any large, complex database that is difficult to process using traditional data processing applications (such as MS Excel). However this data has big potential - if you know how to use it.
Embark on Your Digital Retail Transformation
If you are a leader in a company, here are questions you need to ask before you embark on your digital retail transformation
- Have your online sales channel (like e-commerce marketplace) provide comprehensive big data to understand you customer?
- Do you know who your competitors are, in both online and offline? Did you realized that your business opponent is not just from similar but also coming from another industry or even a new type of business that you can’t even predicted today?
- Have you re-validated Market Share of your company?
- Has your company had a big data profile of your customers? complete with customer experiences profile.
- Did you know the product assortment behavior that gives “Pareto revenue” to your business?
- Do you know how many lost opportunities that occur in your business because your retail management is not sufficiently detailed and comprehensive to manage it?
- Did you know your company's employee profile? How many percent belong to the category of millennial digital native employee?
Answering these questions will help to generate a hypothesis in building your company's Road Map strategy in Transforming your Business from conventional to Digital Business.
The bad news is, only a few large Indonesian local companies take decisions in 1-2 years to change their business model business to digital driven. The good news is, if you are part of the few who takes decision to change then have a higher chance of not on only on survival but have higher chance to reap the benefit in term of growth and success. Therefore, Power Commerce already help many companies to leverage a wide spectrum of digital technologies and help companies improve products and services, enhance customer experience, enter new markets, and increase revenues.