“Starting from just a dream, PowerCommerce.Asia has made Indonesia’s SMEs became more internationally triumphant.”

The moment of 12.12 National Shopping Day became another memorable moment from journey of PowerCommerce. Asia to brought Indonesia Mall Small and Medium Enterprises (SME’s) into global market. Today, we released our 3rd batches of full trucks to be shipped out of our cross-border orders from IndonesiaMall-BRI on Qoo10 Singapore’s Marketplace Channel.

3rd Batch of Full Trucks That Have Been Shipped to Singapore

More than 1300 orders from the Qoo10 Singapore have been processed by Indonesia Mall. Kissera Cashew Nut became the most popular local SME product in Qoo10 Singapore , followed by Frutten, Bukarsi Tempe, Lily and Spinach Chips.

As the leading of e-commerce enabler in Asia, PowerCommerce. Asia always committed to empowering Indonesian local SMEs to conquer the global market. We are continue to strive in bringing Indonesian Mall products to another countries beside Singapore.

PowerPeople have your own business and interested in selling your products overseas? Let’s join with Indonesia Mall here!